
Register of railway infrastructure RINF-CH

RINF-CH User manual

RINF-CH Process guidance for infrastructure managers

RINF-CH System architecture

Releasenotes RINF-CH

EU / ERA guidelines

EU Directive 2016/797

Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2023/1694

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/777

RINF XSD Schema V1.5

RINF Look Up Value Table V1.6.1

RINF Application Guide V1.6.1

Interlis-File RINF-CH

Interlis-File V2.0

Legal basis and guidelines (CH)

Railways Act 742.101

Train Path Allocation Body Ordinance (TVSV) 742.123

Ordinance on the Construction and Operation of Railways 742.141.1

FOT guidelines on requesting network access permits, safety certificates and safety authorisations

Guideline (FOT) Register of railway infrastructure


Useful links

ERA - register of infrastructure

ERATV - European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles

ERA - Route compatibility check

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